NaNoWriMo Time!

It is that time of year again, TIME TO WRITE A NOVEL!!! This is going to be my 10th year participating in NaNoWriMo. I am really excited this year to continue to work on my MSc dissertation project. This year has been an incredibly strange one but I am happy that I can spend my... Continue Reading →

NaNoWriMo is Over

NaNoWriMo is over. It was a long and crazy month, but I am very happy to have completed another novel. This year I had trouble keeping caught up throughout the month, but I had a few great days towards the end, and I actually finished early on 11/28/2018. This NaNo I wrote at coffee shops,... Continue Reading →

NaNoWriMo is Here!

Alright, so technically it starts tomorrow but close enough. Every year (for the last seven years) for Halloween, my friends and I have stocked up on candy, charged our computers, and stayed up to midnight so that we can start writing. This year is no different. I have baked muffins, made almond butter cups, and... Continue Reading →

Welcome to NaNoWriMo Prep Month!

Wandering Writing Wednesday Happy October everyone! Or as I like to call it, NaNoWriMo prep month. Getting ready for NaNoWriMo is different for everyone, starting with if you are a pantser, planner, or plantser. If you are the NaNoWriMo website, these are badges you give yourself if you are someone who starts November first without... Continue Reading →

Knight of the Dead

"In the Beginning... 'I'm coming to get you.'" And so begins the exciting story Knight of the Dead, by Ron Smorynski. This is the first volume of the series and starts at the very beginning of a zombie apocalypse. From the chaos of no one knowing what is going, to the annihilation of thousands of... Continue Reading →

Blood of Olympus

Alert! Before I begin this review, I need to let it be known that in the case of this particular book I may be a little biased, well maybe really biased! This is the tenth book I have read by this author and the last in the second series I have read. It is safe... Continue Reading →

Writing Contest Update

Over the next several weeks I have signed up to do several writing competitions and thought I would share my schedule with you. Hopefully, these won't get in the way of my blogging, but I have thought that before, so we will see. I am starting off with a crazy weekend the 14-16th. On the... Continue Reading →

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